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Get the best Tips for Photography, Makeup and Style in short article.


    Let’s travel a few years ago. I’m in whole wedding preparations. I walk desperately. I move from the beginning to the end throughout the city; follow my notebook with all the steps to organize my wedding day wedding. And the most incredible thing of all is that I have my mother’s helps to achieve it and reach the goal of seeing everything beautiful and ready for the big day. Usually, you decide to choose the photographer, but in my case, it was not like that, one of my closest friends, a television producer, agreed to give me the team that would take the photos and videos of my wedding. It was great news besides thinking about the money that we would save, so I did not hesitate, and it was.

    Over time, the photographs and the video of that famous day arrived, a large part of the work was excellent, and I appreciated it. However, I could notice something; some photos were blurry, others were out of focus in an unattractive way, and in part of the video, I could hear some voices and a black screen at the end that had nothing to relate to the rest of the content.

    Well you can imagine how I felt

    After that story, I want to give you some advice when choosing who will portray an important moment in your life. Be it your wedding, your pregnancy, the birth of your child, or any other area of ​​your life. Then, of course, choosing a photographer has to do with his photography style and in that client-friend-services connection. But enough talk, and let’s get started!

    step 1 MAKE A LIST

    In this step, you will constantly search for different photography styles, trying to find the one with which you identify, save information such as your phone and mail. Visiting your website is also part of this process. In addition, check out Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, don’t forget other platforms like Behance, Pixiest and talk to friends who can refer your options.

    step 2 call to action

    This step will include all those that fit your style; good connection, excellent services, and perfect for your budget. Your Instinct and senses make a previous connection with the photographer. Talking with them by phone or email is a way to know if you have that connection

    step 3 investment

    Did you think I wouldn’t mention it?

    Of course, but now that your list has been closed, you are with whom you achieved a connection. Then, you can go to step 3. Close all the options to those that go according to your budget. Sometimes some clients and photographers can reach agreements based solely and exclusively on a final price; on other occasions, you may be able to discuss it and find a balance point for both parties. That is why it is good to know if the list of semifinalists has an affinity with the search parameters you previously did. I know it may sound technical, but you will see who you want to do business with you.

    step 4 time for coffe

    The world is so busy can be a challenge to meet someone, but  here is when you say out there: «Wanting is being able to do things.» The next step will be to meet with the photographer in that order of ideas. At this point, I advise you to make a meeting, and it will depend on what you both decide, whether personal or online. I recommend that you previously make a list with all your doubts and interests, that you take photographs of his work and ask him for additional prices, talk about locations, and tell each other a fun story about what you want to break the ice. It will be of great help because it will create a bond of friendship services that will make you feel comfortable in front of the photographer’s lens, and they will be able to work together for your photo session. The results vary from good to better.


    After everything you get, the photographer. Finally, it’s time for the big day.

    Keep in mind that they are there to help you, to serve you, and achieve a truly remarkable result as a team. As a photographer for weddings & portraits, my goal is to give you a total experience from start to finish. So be brave in commenting on your points of view and if you would like to retake a photograph, taking into account the times and previous agreements. Enjoy in front of the lens, be natural, be yourself.

    Finally, I want to say that my job is to capture the magic, and yours is to be happy. I hope this article has been of help to you. Remember that these steps are just some guides. Tell me if they helped you in the comments to make more posts with similar topics.

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